HEROS Anlagenautomatisierung GmbH
HEROS Anlagenautomatisierung GmbH is a company in the field of automation and electrical engineering in Saxony. We are in Niederdorf near Stollberg in the middle of the economic region Chemnitz-Zwickau. Our team, consisting of electrical engineers, computer scientists, master craftsmen in the electrical trade and expert fitters, has set itself the goal of planning, executing, and commissioning electrical engineering and automation systems in Saxony, Germany and worldwide and providing support throughout the entire life cycle of the system.
We can look back on many years of experience in the construction and commissioning of complex automation systems from power plant technology, district heating, hydropower, water and wastewater plants, production and storage facilities in the food industry, crushed stone, and gravel production and from smaller to larger bioenergy plants.
In order to be able to meet the increased requirements in the construction of control cabinets and the assembly of measurement, control and regulation technology (MSR), the next step was taken in 2008 and the HEROS Group was expanded to include HEROS Anlagenbau GmbH. It is located about 500 m from the main company headquarters and enables a close and efficient cooperation with the plant automation.